Dashboard Sections
After logging in, you are presented with your Dashboard. The tabbed menu, located at the top of the page, contains links to the separate Dashboard sections. Certain tabs also provide convenient drop-down menus, for quick access to specific features.
Click the links below to view a description of each section.
- Dashboard
The Dashboard is HillTop's central navigation hub. From this page, you have access to all of the tools and features necessary to create content and manage your Web site.
The Dashboard groups each of HillTop's functions into convenient sections. For example, in the "Pages" section you will find links to view, add, and manage your site's Web pages.
The Dashboard tab also contains drop-down shortcuts to several functions, as seen in the example image.
- Pages
The Pages section contains features related to the management of your Web pages. Here you will find a list of existing pages on your site, as well as links to page creation and management tools.
For more information on this section, see Pages.
- Posts
The Posts section allows you to access and manage your Posts and Post Types. Clicking on this tab will display your existing Post Types, separated into groups. Under each Post Type, you will find links for viewing your existing Posts, and adding new Posts.
If you are a Web site administrator, you will also be able to manage and create new Post Types from this section.
For more information on this section, see Posts.
- Site Tools
The Tools (or Site Tools) section features some of the HillTop's more advanced functions, intended for Web site administrators. From this section, you will be able to moderate comments, manage advertisements and Labels, and integrate your site with Google Analytics.
For more information, see Site Tools.
- Warehouse
The Warehouse section contains tools for managing your files, forms, images, and more. Your Warehouse stores certain Content Elements, such as FAQs and Text Blocks, as well as any personally uploaded content, such as documents or images. Content stored within your Warehouse can be added to the Web pages you create.
Web site administrators will also have access to Developer Actions and Forms from this section.
For more information, see Warehouse.
- Administration
The Administration section contains tools designed for Web site administrators. From this section, administrators are able to create new User accounts, as well as modify an existing User's e-mail address, password, and permissions. User Groups can also be created in this section, which allow you to apply a set of permissions to the Users assigned to the Group.
For more information on this section, see Administration.
- Support
Clicking the Support link will bring you to a list of your existing support tickets, if any, as well as provide a link to submit a new support ticket.
The support ticket system allows you to report any issues or questions directly to the HillTop support team. Support staff will then respond in a timely manner with an answer or solution to your submission, or begin a dialog with you, if further investigation is necessary. Communications from the support staff will be posted to this section, as well as sent to the e-mail address associated with your HillTop user account. Support inqueries can also be emailed directly to [email protected].Return to Top