Introduction to Users and Groups
This page will explain how to manage User accounts. The following tutorials contain step-by-step instructions for creating, editing, and deleting Users.
- 1. Add a New User
To begin, mouse over the "Administration" tab (located in the menu at the top of any HillTop page), then click "Users" in the drop-down menu. This will bring you to the Users section, where current User accounts are listed and new accounts can be added.
In the Users section, click the "Add User" link in the right sidebar to access the "Add User" form. Here, enter the new User's name, e-mail address, and password.
Next, select the appropriate User Group(s) in the "Security Information" section. Most sites will only have one User Group: "Administrator." Select this option to give the User full access to HillTop. Custom User Groups may also be present, which restrict access to certain HillTop features.
In the event you have questions about a custom User Group, or would like a custom User Group created (where supported), please contact [email protected].
Once the form is complete, click the "Submit" button to add the User account.
- 3. Edit an Existing User
To edit an existing User's details and/or permissions, mouse over the "Administration" tab (located in the menu at the top of any HillTop page), then click on "Users" in the drop-down menu. This will bring you to the Users section.
In the Users section, click the "Edit" button (pencil icon) to the left of the appropriate User name. This will allow you to modify the User's name, e-mail address, password, and User Group assignments. To add or remove a User to a User Group, locate the appropriate group(s) listed in the "Security Information" section, then check or un-check the checkbox(es) to add or remove the User.
Once finished, click the "Submit" button to save your changes.
Return to Top - 4. Delete a User
To delete a User, mouse over the "Administration" tab (located in the menu at the top of any HillTop page), then click on "Users" in the drop-down menu. This will bring you to the Users section, which includes a list of the current User accounts.
Once you have located the appropriate User account, click the red "Delete" button (minus sign icon) at the far right of the User's row. A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm your deletion. Click the button labeled "OK" to delete the selected User.
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