This tutorial explains how to use the three main components of the "Subscribers" feature:
- The import function allows you to use a spreadsheet in .csv format to add subscribers to your subscription list(s).
- The export function allows you to download a .csv file of the subscriber records.
- Subscription management is used to create (or delete) subscription lists.
- Import - Step 1: Create a New Subscription List
- Import - Step 2: Importing Subscribers
- Exporting Subscribers
- Subscription Management
- Import - Step 1: Create a New Subscription List
If the subscribers you are importing should be assigned to a new list, the follow steps explain how to create one. If the subscribers should be assigned to an existing list, this step can be ignored.
1. Begin by mousing over the "Communication Tools" tab in the top menu. In the drop-down menu, mouse over the "Subscribers" and click "Manage Subscriptions" in the sub-menu. This will bring you to the "Subscriptions" section.
2. Click the "Add new Subscription" link in the right sidebar to view the "Add Subscription" form. The fields and options for this form are explained in detail below.
Display Information
- Title: Enter the name of the subscriber list.
- Name: This is the subscription list's internal designation. It will auto-complete, based on the Title.
- Is Active: This decides whether this subscriber list is functional or not.
- Is Default: This option is used to determine if your new list will be the default subscription list used when sending a mass email. This is set to "No" by default, as you can only have one "Default" subscription list.
If this list will be used with your most commonly sent email, such as a monthly newsletter, set this option to "Yes."
Affiliated Content
- Label Types: Select any label types you would like to associate with your list.
3. Click the "Submit" to complete the process. Subscribers can now be added to the new list.
Return to Top - Import - Step 2: Importing Subscribers
1. Begin by mousing over the "Communication Tools" tab in the top menu. Mouse over "Subscribers" in the drop down menu and click "Import Subscribers" in the sub-menu. This will bring you to the "Import Subscribers" form.
2. Click the "Choose file" button to select and upload your file. Ensure the that file is saved in .csv format before completing this step.
Alternatively, you can manually enter, or copy and paste, the email addresses into the "Data" field. Data entered with this method should follow the fomat shown in the example image. It is important that the columns be labeled as indicated, and proper formatting maintained.
Once you have selected your file, or entered the subscriber information, click the "Submit" button.
Note: Any blank space at the end of your file must be deleted before submission. Blank space at the end of a file will result in an error.
3. Upon submission, you will be forwarded to the "Filter Information" form. In this form, you will see the first entry of your file displayed in the "Sample Value" column. Use the drop-down menus to select the appropriate column for your fields, as shown in the example image.
- Subscriptions: Click the "expand all" option to view your active subscription lists. Tick the checkbox next to the subscription list(s) you would like to import your new subscribers into.
Note: If a subscription is not selected, the imported subscribers will not be added to a list. - Labels: Click "expand all" to view your labels. Tick the checkbox next to any label(s) you would like to associate with your new subscribers.
4. Click Submit and the next page will tell you the Import has been Queued. The import process typically runs every 60 secondhand processes up to 1000 records a minute. Depending on the size of your import and current system load, the process can take from a few minutes to several hours.
Return to Top - Subscriptions: Click the "expand all" option to view your active subscription lists. Tick the checkbox next to the subscription list(s) you would like to import your new subscribers into.
- Exporting Subscribers
1. Begin by mousing over the "Communication Tools" tab in the top menu. In the drop down menu, mouse over "Subscribers" and click on "Export Subscribers" in the sub-menu. This will bring you to the export form.
2. The following options are available for filtering the export to include specific subscribers:
Filter Information
Subscriptions: Limit the export to the selected subscription lists. If none are selected, all subscription lists will be included.
Subscribed Since: Limit the export to subscribers added after this date.
Subscribed Before: Limit the export to subscribers added before this date.
Labels: Limit the export to the subscribers with the selected labels.
Export Contents
Include Subscriptions: Include the title of the subscription(s) each subscriber is assigned to.
Include Labels: Include the title of the label(s) assigned to each subscriber.
Include Location: Include the location data for each subscriber (if present).
IM/IPAddress/Phone/Social Network/Website: Tick the appropriate checkbox(es) to include the selected information in the export (if present).
3. Once finished filtering the export, click the "Submit" button. A download prompt will then appear for a .csv file.
Return to Top - Subscription Management
Editing Subscription Lists
1. Begin by mousing over the "Communication Tools" tab in the top menu. In the drop down menu, mouse over "Subscribers" and click "Manage Subscriptions" in the sub-menu. This will bring you to a list of the existing subscriptions.
2. Next, click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the appropriate subscription. This will bring you to the "Edit Subscription" form.
3. Here, the following options and settings can be updated:
Title: The title of the subscription.
Name: The internal name of the subscription.
Is Active: This option detemines whether the list is available for subscribing.
Weight: This option detemines the sort order for the subscription, in any lists it appears in.
Is Default: Sets the default list that visitors are subscribed to, when a specific list is not chosen. Note: only one list can be set as the default at a time.
Label Types: Selected label types can have their labels attached to subscribers on this list.
Removing Subscription Lists
1. Begin by mousing over the "Communication Tools" tab in the top menu. In the drop down menu, mouse over "Subscribers" and click "Manage Subscriptions" in the sub-menu. This will bring you to a list of the existing subscriptions.
2. Next, click the Delete button ("minus sign" icon) to the right of the title. This will permanently delete the list from the CMS. Subscribers assigned to this list will remain in the system, but their association to this list will be deleted.
Editing Subscribers Assigned to a Specific List
1. Begin by mousing over the "Communication Tools" tab in the top menu. In the drop down menu, click on "Subscribers." This will bring you to a list of the existing subscribers.
2. Next, click the "Show Search Options" link and use the "Subscribed To" menu to select a list. Click the "Search" button to filter the list.
3. Individual subscribers can then have their assigned subscriptions and labels updated by clicking the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of their email address. Subscribers can also be permanently deleted in bulk by using the checkboxes on the left with the "Select a Task" menu at the bottom of the page.
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- Example Subscriber List - subscriberexample.csv (183.0 Bs)