Method 1: Using the Toolbar to Link to a Document
1. When editing text, the toolbar can be used to link directly to a document's "Public Link," without the need for copy/pasting. Begin by highlighting the text you would like to link.
2. Next, click the "Link" button on the toolbar to open the pop-up window.
3. If the file has already been uploaded, click the "Files" tab in the pop-up window.
NOTE: If the file has not yet been uploaded, click the "Upload" tab and then click the "Choose file for upload..." button to begin the upload process. Once the upload completes, proceed to step #6.
4. On the "Files" tab, you'll see a list of the most recently uploaded documents. If your document does not appear near the top of the list, use the search bar to search for the file name or title.
5. Once you have located the appropriate file, click on the title / file name to select it.
6. After selecing the file, you will be returned to the default tab. Here, click the "Insert" button to complete the process. Your highlighted text will now be linked to the document's "Public Link."
Method 2: Retrieving the "Public Link" for a Document / Sharing a File
The "Public Link" is the URL that points directly to the document file, and is tied into the "Replace" function (this is the permanent URL of the file, and remains the same after a file is replaced). The "Public Link" URL can be used for various purposes, such as manually adding a document link on a page or post, or sending an email message containing the link to a file. The steps below explain how to retrieve the "Public Link."
If the file has not yet been uploaded see Uploading Documents for more information.
1. Begin by mousing over the "Warehouse" tab (located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page) to create a drop-down menu. Next, mouse over the "Files" tab to create a second menu. Finally, click on the "Documents" link. This will bring you to a page that lists the files that have been uploaded to your Warehouse.
2. Locate the appropriate file, then click the Edit button to the left of the title. This will bring you to the "Edit Document" page for your chosen file. The "Public Link" will be listed in the right sidebar of this page.
3. To copy the URL, mouse over the hyperlinked "Public Link" text.
4. Next, right-click (or long-press if using a mobile device) to bring up the browser's pop-up menu and select "Copy link address" (or "Copy link location" depending on your web browser) to copy the URL to your clipboard. Once the URL has been copied, it can then be pasted wherever necessary.
NOTE: You must copy the link via the right-click (or long-press) menu. Left-clicking or tapping on "Public Link" will automatically redirect your browser to the most recent cached version of the file, and not the actual "Public Link" address.