FrontRunner Connect allows you to view a detailed report of the emails you send. The following article will explain how to view these reports and interpret the information they contain.
Viewing your Reports
After logging in to FrontRunner, click the "E-mail Builder" link, located in the menu at the top of the page. This will bring you to a list of all e-mails that have been sent, or are pending. Locate the e-mail you wish to view the report for, then click the "View" button (magnifying glass) to the left of the title.
Interpreting the Report
After clicking the "View" button, you will be presented with a report, containing the information collected from your chosen email. Each section of the report is explained below.
The first piece of information on the report displays the number of sent and unsent emails, represented by the pie chart in the upper left-hand corner. Here, you can view the total number of e-mails that were "prepared," or sent, to your subscribers, as well as the number of unsent emails. Unsent emails will be displayed in gray on the pie chart.
Below the data for the number of emails sent, you will find information on the number of sent emails that were delivered to a subscriber's inbox, or rejected. The data for these emails is represented by the pie chart, below the "Sent/Unsent" information, which displays Opened, Hard Bounced, Soft Bounced, and Unopened e-mails.
Opened: This is the number of e-mails that were read by subscribers. This information is displayed directly below the pie chart, in relation to the total number of sent e-mails.
Hard Bounced: E-mails that have "hard bounced" were sent to a non-existant address. The number of hard bounces is displayed below the number of opened emails.
Soft Bounced: "Soft Bounces" occur when the e-mail reaches the subscriber's email server, but is then rejected. This can occur for a variety of reasons, such as being marked as "spam" by the receiving server's filtering rules, or the subscriber's inbox being full.
A breakdown of the reasons for both hard and soft bounces is displayed to the right of this information, sorted by the specific reason and ordered from highest to lowest number of bounces. Some common reasons for bounced emails are listed below:
- Address Error - This error occurs when the domain (eg "") of a subscriber's e-mail address is functional, but their specific address is not known to the server.
- Bad Domain - The domain of the subscriber's e-mail address does not exist, or is no longer functional.
- Content Block - This occurs when the subscriber's email server marks the e-mail as spam. This can occur either due to the subscriber manually marking the e-mail as spam, or the default spam filtering rules of their specific server.
- Mailbox Full - When a subscriber's inbox is full, the server will bounce all future e-mails until the existing messages are deleted.
- Network Error - This is a technical error, due to an unspecified problem with the subscriber's email server.
- Other Hard Bounce - This is an uncatagorized error related to the subscriber's email address.
- Server Too Busy - This bounce occurs when the subscriber's email server is overloaded and unable to deliver new e-mails.
In the upper right-hand section, you can view the number of links that have been clicked by your subscribers.
Click Throughs: This is the number of subscribers that have clicked a link within the e-mail, in relation to the total number of emails that were sucessfully delivered.
Total Clicks: This number accounts for subscribers who have clicked multiple links in the e-mail.
Most Popular Clickthroughs
This section lists the links within the e-mail that received the most number of clicks, sorted by URL address and ordered from most to least clicks.